48 Meriden Rd, Suite 1, Middlefield, CT 06455

Connecticut Commercial Mortgage lender

Connecticut Commercial Mortgage Lender Loans are made easy with us. We cover most of the United States with a focus on the North East and East Coast.  We specialize in “Stated Income” Commercial Mortgage Lender Loans as well as Conventional Commercial Mortgage loans..

Connecticut Commercial Mortgage Lender Acceptable Properties:

  • Multi-Family
  • Mixed-Use
  • Retail and Office
  • Auto Repair
  • Day Care
  • Funeral Home
  • Beauty Shops
  • Motels/Hotels
  • Warehouse
  • Mobile Home Parks
  • Campgrounds
  • Churches
  • Self-Storage
  • Dry Cleaner (Drop off only)
  • Finally, Recreational properties

Ineligible Properties:

  • Raw land
  • Likewise, land requiring “ground up” construction (any loan requiring rehab work must equal 10% or less of the property value)
  • Also, Gas stations (although, we will lend on auto repair/auto body shops) are not allowed.

LTV: Maximum LTV is 80% for credit scores of 660 and less.  And a Maximum LTV of 75% with higher Fico Scores.

Credit Scores:

  • 660 Min Score for our Elite Program
  • 600 Min Score for our Traditional Program.

Closings: Three to four weeks (the timeline is based on how quickly we receive all the required information)

Rates: Fixed Rates ranging from 6.125% to 10% based over 25 years or 30 years.

Points:  While Northeast Financial does their best to not charge any upfront points, in some cases 1 to 2 points are charged depending on the transaction.

Prepay: Declining 5%-4%-3%-2%-1% Prepay Penalty or 5% for 5 years

States:   Finally, we transact commercial mortgages in 42 states except for Alaska, Alabama, Hawaii, Michigan, Nevada, North Dakota, Vermont and West Virginia.

In conclusion, we are here to help with your upcoming commercial mortgage loan.  We say “Yes” when your local bank says “No.”  Since we specialize in this type of financing we are able to help you get your Connecticut commercial mortgage closed quickly.  And, as said earlier, we will work with you every step of the way.

Call me today for a free consultation at 860-876-0572.  I will work with you every step of the way.




Michael Meyer
Senior Vice President of Northeast Financial

Company NMLS#117273